Adirondack walking canes are made from natural curved saplings. They have class, nostalgia and a whimsical charm beckoning from a bygone era. Every walking cane started as a sapling that was that was altered by the elements or wildlife. Although they attempt to grow they are ill-fated. By selectively removing them from a stand the remaining straight saplings will prosper into a healthier mature forest. Every sapling was legally sourced from the Adirondack mountains of NY. They have been dried, sanded and finished with two coats of oil based satin polyurethane. Depending on the species and the season they were harvested many of them have intact cambium left from hand peeling. If you want to customize the length of the cane you can by simply removing the cane tip and cutting. When choosing a cane be sure to note it is long enough and sized appropriately for it's intended user. Some are extremely robust suited for heavy loads and some are merely balance aids for lighter individuals.
This particular walking cane is 36", birch or cherry, robust, stocky, 1" to 1-1/2" in diameter. Some heart checks(splits to the pith) are present on the grip and are open but not sharp. Well suited for a heavier individual with a large grip.(fc1)
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